


The 18th Music Festival of Santa Catarina – FEMUSC 2023 – takes place from January 8th to 28th, 2023 in Jaraguá do Sul, SC – Brazil.



To register for FEMUSC 2023, the candidate must access the website www.femusc.com.br, in the REGISTRATION menu, where the candidate will have all the guidelines on how to proceed to register, as well as the necessary information to complete the registration form. of registration, vacancies and available programs, as well as below:

Advanced Orchestral (296 spots)
Violin – 74, Viola – 25, Cello – 25, Double bass – 08, Flute – 08, Oboe – 08, Clarinet – 08, Bassoon – 08, Saxophone – 08, Horn – 12, Trumpet – 08, Trombone – 08, Tuba – 06, Harp – 12, Percussion – 10, Piano – 10, Classical Guitar – 15, Orchestral Conducting – 05, Singing/Opera (38 spots): Soprano – 10, Mezzo Soprano – 06, Alto – 03, Tenor – 08, Baritone – 06, Bass – 05

Intermediate Orchestral (100 spots)
Violin – 25, Viola – 06, Cello – 06, Double bass – 04, Flute – 04, Oboe – 04, Clarinet – 04, Bassoon – 04, Saxophone – 04, Horn – 06, Trumpet – 04, Trombone – 04, Tuba – 03, Harp – 04, Percussion – 05, Piano – 08, Guitar – 05

Early Music/Baroque, Classical, Colonial (102 spots)
Period instruments: Violin – 20, Viola – 08, Cello – 10, Viola da Gamba – 04, Violone – 03, Harpsichord – 05, Opera – 18, Traverso/Recorder – 05, Oboe – 03, Clarinet – 03, Bassoon – 05, Horn – 03, Baroque Trumpet – 03, Others (lute, theorbo, sackbuts, cello da spalla, cornet, serpent, and others) – 08.

MPB – Brazilian Popular Music (48 spots)
Piano – 08, Drums – 06, Winds – 08, Guitar – 08, Bass – 06, Vocal – 12

Lyrical Singing / Opera (30 spots)

String Quartet (24 spots)
Quartet – 06 spots for quartets (4 members per quartet)

1.2 Registration for FEMUSC 2023 will start on August 25, 2022, at 12:00 pm (Brasília time) and will end on September 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm (Brasília time);

1.3 Before applying carefully read the instructions in the submenu “HOW TO APPLY”

1.4 The disclosure of the LIST OF SELECTED IN THE FIRST CALL FOR ENROLLMENT will be published on September 25, 2022, on the website www.femusc.com.br, in a prominent place. FEMUSC will not communicate via e-mail the effective selection. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify that his/her name is on the LIST OF SELECTED FOR ENROLLMENT and proceed with the same, as instructed in item 2 below;

1.5 If there are remaining vacancies for any instrument/program, FEMUSC will open new registrations from October 20, 2022.


Enrolled participants who appear on the Selected List to enroll must pay the enrollment fee, according to the payment options below.

2.1 Amounts

* BANK SLIP R$ 300.00 (registration fee) + R$ 5.00 (bank fee for issuing a bank slip) – Total amount for payment via Bank slip: R$ 305.00. Option available only to participants residing in Brazil*;

* PAYPAL: R$ 300.00 (registration fee) + R$ 24.00 (Paypal administrative fee) * – Total amount for payment via Paypal: R$ 324.00. Option available to everyone.

2.2 Rules for Scholarships

20% of free spaces and local transport included;
10% of vacancies are for free sponsors
10% of vacancies are for free promotion
10% of the vacancies in the value of the culture voucher (R$ 50,00 respecting half in 1/2 entry)
50% of the vacancies sold base value (R$ 300.00 respecting half in 1/2 entry)

Whole – 150 spots at R$ 300.00
(Orchestral, Early Music, MPB – Brazilian Popular Music, Lyric Singing/Opera, String Quartet)
Who can? all

½ entry – 150 spots at R$ 150.00
(Orchestral, Early Music, MPB – Brazilian Popular Music, Lyric Singing/Opera, String Quartet)
Who can? Exclusive to Brazilian citizens or naturalized as Brazilians. People with disabilities and, when necessary, their companions, are entitled to the benefit. Young people from 15 to 29 years old, whose monthly family income is up to 02 minimum wages, as long as they are enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, can purchase tickets with a 50% discount. Students, teachers, over 60s and blood donors.

Vale Cultura – 30 spots at R$ 50.00
(Orchestral, Early Music, MPB – Brazilian Popular Music, Lyric Singing/Opera, String Quartet)
Who can? Exclusive to Brazilian citizens or naturalized as Brazilians. Culture card holders

Vale Cultura ½ entry – 30 spots at R$ 25.00
(Orchestral, Early Music, MPB – Brazilian Popular Music, Lyric Singing / Opera, String Quartet)
Who can? Exclusive to Brazilian citizens or naturalized as Brazilians. Culture card holders

Free with local transport – 120 spots at R$ 0
(Young Intermediate Program, social programs)
Who can? Exclusive to Brazilian citizens or naturalized as Brazilians. All local participants who have a disability and, when necessary, their companions, are entitled to the benefit. Young people from 15 to 29 years old, whose monthly family income is up to 02 minimum wages, as long as they are enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

Sponsors and Promotional – 120 spots at R$ 0
(all programs, limited to the number of seats)
Who can? Contemplated in the promotional actions of FEMUSC and indications of the parturitioners.

* Payments via BANK BOLETO: value of the contemplated fee + R$ 5.00 (bank fee for issuing a bank slip). Option available only to participants residing in Brazil*;

* PAYPAL: value of the contemplated fee + R$ 24.00 (Paypal administrative fee). Option available to everyone.


a) If the candidate’s name is on the LIST OF CONFIRMED ENROLLMENTS published on the official website of FEMUSC, on September 25, 2022, he/she must follow and observe the instructions and deadlines established to carry out the same. Selected candidates who do not make their Enrollments and the due payment by 10/14/2022, will be automatically disqualified, giving the opportunity to another candidate on the Waiting List;

b) All instructions for the ENROLLMENT procedure will be available from September 25, 2022, on the official website of FEMUSC;

c) Sólo se aceptarán inscripciones previa aceptación y conformidad con todos los términos del Reglamento de Inscripción, que estará disponible en el propio sistema de inscripción al finalizar la inscripción, con validez como contrato de adhesión;

d) Enrollment for FEMUSC 2023 does not include transfers and direct transport for students. The cost of transport to FEMUSC and return is the responsibility of the student. FEMUSC is only responsible for the internal transport, CAMPUS-LOADING-INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PRESENTATIONS.


Entries may be canceled by the participant, observing the following refund rule:

a) Cancellations made until 11/05/2022: 50% refund of the registration fee;

b) Cancellations made or withdrawals from the date of 11/05/2022 will not be entitled to a refund of the registration fee.

c) FEMUSC will refund the percentage of the registration fee to dropouts within 10 working days after the festival. The return will be made by bank deposit in a checking or savings account, to be provided by the dropout, or by passing this person in person, with a document, to the entity’s secretary during the event, that is, from 01/08 to 01/28/2023.


5.1 Participants must come to Jaraguá do Sul, SC, at their own expense, and bear all their expenses for funding and maintenance of the musical instruments used, and such expenses cannot be charged to the companies/organizing bodies of FEMUSC;

5.2 All participants must register in person, carrying the same photo document whose number was entered on their registration form. Participants who present themselves with another document, or who do not have the same document in hand, will not be able to register and will not be able to participate in FEMUSC.

5.3 Participants must register:

Between 8:00 am on January 7th and 1:00 pm on January 8th, 2023, for participants of courses starting in the first week. Between 8:00 am on January 14th and 1:00 pm on January 15th, 2023, for participants of courses starting in the second week. Participants who are not registered by 1:00 pm on January 8 and 15, 2023 respectively at the beginning of their courses, will have their registration cancelled, there will be no possibility of resorting to this cancellation of registration, and there will be no refund of the registration fee. registration.


6.1 Participants must remain in Jaraguá do Sul until the end of the FEMUSC activities (Grand Closing Concert) on January 28, 2023, scheduled for 8:00 pm, with an estimated closing date of 10:00 pm. Participants who are absent from FEMUSC activities without prior authorization from the FEMUSC administration will have their enrollment canceled and will not be entitled to receive the Certificate of Participation.

6.2 Participants must be present in all pedagogical and artistic activities for which FEMUSC has determined their presence. Participants with schedule conflicts or unable to participate in any class, concert, or other activity must notify FEMUSC as soon as possible explaining the nature of the conflict, also offering their suggestion on how the conflict can be resolved. FEMUSC will review the application and decide if the conflict warrants any adjustment or exception, or if the participant’s absence will be a reason for the cancellation of registration and also of his/her Certificate of Participation.

6.3 If the conflict is known before payment of the registration fee, FEMUSC recommends that the candidate cancels his/her enrollment, therefore offering his/her place to a candidate currently on a waiting list. Participants who miss any FEMUSC activity due to a conflict that was already known to them before their registration was confirmed with the payment of the registration fee will have their registration immediately canceled, without the right to reimbursement of the registration fee, will not receive their Certificate of Participation, and will be immediately excluded from all FEMUSC classes, concerts and activities.

6.4 Upon meeting the criteria for attendance, performance and conduct, the participant will be entitled to a Certificate of Participation with details of classes, teachers, projects and workload. The Certificate will be sent in electronic format (e-mail) to the participant.


7.1 Participants under 18 years of age or who turn 18 years of age on or after January 8 or 15, 2022, depending on the start of their course, must send an authorization signed and notarized by one of their parents or guardian, giving the participant permission to register and participate in FEMUSC 2023 in all its activities. This authorization will be available on file, in the FEMUSC registration system itself, only for those who are on the Selected List for registration. Failure to receive this authorization during the period established for payment of the registration fee will result in the cancellation of the registration of the minor participant and his/her place will be given to the next person on the waiting list. Important: The original authorization must be brought in hand by the participant and presented along with their documentation when they register in person at Femusc, until January 08 or 15, 2022, depending on the beginning of their course.
Participants who do not bring this original authorization with them will not be able to register with FEMUSC, and will have their enrollment canceled.


8.1 The participant must attend all rehearsals and concerts, of orchestra or chamber music, as well as instrument classes and master classes scheduled by FEMUSC, which may take place on the main stages located at the SCAR Cultural Center or on alternative stages to be defined by the organization;

8.2 The participant must study their parts, in advance, and come prepared for all rehearsals, concerts and classes that count on their presence and participation;

8.3 The participant must live with his colleagues and teachers in an atmosphere of harmony and mutual support;

8.4 The Programming is the sole responsibility of FEMUSC and changes may occur without prior notice;

8.5 Teachers may be excluded or added without prior notice, as well as they may be authorized to temporarily withdraw from their pedagogical activities, at the discretion of FEMUSC;

8.6 FEMUSC is not responsible for the consequences arising from any changes.


9.1 No participant may invite people who are not connected to FEMUSC to participate in classes, chamber music classes, concerts, meals, without the express authorization of FEMUSC. The withdrawal of a ticket by a person to attend a concert, constitutes only an authorization from FEMUSC so that he can attend that specific performance, not characterizing authorization to attend classrooms, backstage presentations, etc. To this end, if necessary, the interested party must contact the FEMUSC Secretariat to obtain the proper authorization.

9.2 The premises of SCAR, Católica de Santa Catarina and other pedagogical spaces on the FEMUSC campus will only be available to FEMUSC participants, professors and administration. No participant may bring a guest to these spaces who is not involved in FEMUSC activities;

9.3 Participants who disrespect these rules, as well as other common sense rules regarding good behavior and cooperation among all FEMUSC family members, may be expelled, at FEMUSC’s discretion;

9.4 The spaces intended for Classes must be respected for this purpose, participants will not be allowed access to the administrative areas of the teaching places, as well as the use of places to sleep and/or play will not be allowed.


10.1 Participation in FEMUSC implies the free transfer to the festival organization of all voice, sound and image rights, which may be captured by FEMUSC or by third parties on its behalf, for inclusion in any type of material support today. existing or in the future, FEMUSC may dispose of them, as well as their extracts, excerpts or parts, giving them any (unpaid) use, for example, adapting them for the purpose of producing audiovisual works, for display through screen projection in collective frequency houses or in public places, with or without a paid ticket, transmit it via radio and/or television of any kind (open television or pay television, through all existing forms of signal transport, for example UHF, VHF, cable, MMDS and satellite), adapt it to any format, broadcast advertising, as well as affix it to any type of material support, such as cinematographic films of any bit hello, CD, CD-ROM CD-I (interactive compact-disc), home video, DAT (digital audio tape), DVD (digital video disc) and computer graphics media in general, store it in a database, disseminate it via the Internet, via cell phone, including for downloads, wap, sms assign the copyright on the work produced to third parties, for any kind of use (unpaid), use excerpts or extracts from them.

10.2 The participant, from now on, authorizes the use of his name, artistic presentations, images and voice, as well as assigns, free of charge, the copyright on the works sent, classes, presentations, concerts, in short, in all the material produced. during the event, allowing the use of these, without any time limitation, for example, but not limited to photos, posters, films, spots, in any means of communication used by the FEMUSC organization for its Marketing campaigns, including, but not limited to, limited to television media, newspapers, magazines, billboards and/or digital transmission media (internet, Youtube, among others), with or without a provider, including assigning these rights to third parties.


11.1 Participants may self-cater and be responsible for their accommodation, or register to use the accommodation provided by FEMUSC. Participants who choose to stay in the FEMUSC accommodation, which includes a mattress in a shared room and a shared bathroom/changing room, must also respect the following rules:

a) The accommodation will be available from 2 pm on January 7 and 14, 2023, according to the beginning of the courses, and will be closed at 12 pm (noon) on January 22 and 29, 2023, according to the end of the courses. Participants who do not collect their belongings by this time will lose possession of them;

b) Participants must bring their own bed and bath items, including sheet, sub-sheet, pillow and towels. Guests who do not use bed linen will be excluded from accommodation;

c) The quiet time in the accommodation will be from 10 pm to 7 am. During this period the lights will remain off. Outside these quiet hours, it is allowed to play musical instruments in the accommodation;

d) Entry to the accommodation will only be allowed until 1 am, when it will be closed and entry will be prohibited, regardless of the presence or absence of a guard or security at the entrance;

e) Participants who are minors and who are not present in their dormitory until midnight will be expelled from the accommodation and FEMUSC;

f) Participants must maintain common and reasonable standards of personal hygiene and organization;

g) Participants must respect the belongings of their colleagues, and avoid any contact with them. Guests who disrespect the property of their roommates may be excluded from the room, or expelled from FEMUSC;

h) Participants must respect and support an atmosphere of healthy coexistence among all participants staying in the accommodation;

i) Males will not be allowed in the female accommodation, and vice versa. Participants who disrespect this rule will be immediately expelled from the accommodation and FEMUSC. Participants who invite and bring a person of the opposite sex to their accommodation, or who are found in their company, will be expelled from the accommodation and from FEMUSC;

j) No guest may invite or make appear to FEMUSC accommodations a person who is not staying there, not even if he/she is of the same sex or if he/she is a FEMUSC participant staying in hotels;

k) It is forbidden to bring pets into the dormitories;

l) The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the accommodation is expressly prohibited, under penalty of expulsion from FEMUSC;

m) Participants who are visibly intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics will not be allowed to enter the accommodation. If they are found in this state inside the accommodations, they will be expelled from them, as well as from FEMUSC;

n) Guests who disrespect these rules, as well as other common sense rules regarding good behavior and cooperation between all guests of the accommodation, may be expelled from the same, and possibly also from FEMUSC;

0) Participants must carry their objects, documents and valuables with them, and FEMUSC will not be held responsible for any damage and/or theft that may occur inside the accommodation;

p) Participants who turn 18 years of age after the start of FEMUSC activities, and who choose to stay in FEMUSC accommodation during the event, will be accommodated in rooms suitable for minors, and separate from their older colleagues. Underage participants will not have access to the rooms of older participants, under penalty of immediate cancellation of their enrollment at FEMUSC. Minors may not be visited by any person in the accommodation, except for family members and under the knowledge of the person responsible for the accommodation, under penalty of exclusion from FEMUSC;

q) The obligations of FEMUSC participants who use the accommodation are the duty to behave properly in the accommodation environment, treating other participants, employees and third parties with respect and civility, and the proper use of the accommodation facilities, keeping them and preserve the integrity of the furniture;

r) Failure to comply with these obligations implies the termination of the contract, resulting in the immediate expulsion of the participant from FEMUSC 2023, with FEMUSC having the right to determine the participant’s departure from the accommodation;
In addition, in the event that the non-compliance with such obligations generates material or immaterial damages to FEMUSC or the Accommodation, the PARTICIPANT will be obliged to indemnify, under the terms of article 186 of the Brazilian Civil Code, the aggrieved parties. In addition, the FEMUSC Institute reserves the right to no longer accept entries from such violators in its next editions;

s) It will not be allowed to move in the accommodation between the bedrooms and the dressing room, wearing bathing suits, towels and underwear, as well as sleepwear that may in any way cause discomfort to the employees of the accommodation locations and/or the participants therein. . In case of non-compliance, you may suffer a penalty of exclusion from FEMUSC;

t) Participants who choose to use the accommodation must pay a daily fee of R$ 10.00 (ten reais). This price includes, in addition to a mattress on the floor in a shared room and a shared bathroom/changing room, a simple breakfast served at the accommodation.


12.1 – Participants of FEMUSC 2023 will be entitled to food, as follows:

a) The FEMUSC Restaurant will open exclusively to serve FEMUSC students, teachers and organization on January 8, 2023, at 11 am (for lunch) and will close on January 28, 2023 (at dinner);

b) Access to food will be released only upon presentation of the FEMUSC participant identification badge, being prohibited for non-accredited persons;

c) Avoid wasting food;

d) Participants will be entitled to food for the number of days of their courses, and food outside the schedule of their courses is prohibited.


a) Participating/enrolled students, who during the FEMUSC 2023 have their registration canceled due to non-compliance with the rules established here will not be entitled to receive their Certificate of Participation, they will be immediately excluded from the FEMUSC event and meals, and since then will no longer be able to participate in classes, rehearsals, concerts and any official FEMUSC activity as a participant.

b) Participants found in possession or under the influence of illegal substances prohibited by law will be immediately expelled from FEMUSC and handed over to the authorities. Foreign participants may be expelled from Brazil;

c) Procedures and rules to combat COVID-19, among other communicable diseases, are recommended to all participants, such as the use of 70% alcohol gel, cough etiquette and in cases of any symptoms, use a mask and distancing;

d) Cases not covered by this regulation will be resolved by the Direction and Organizing Committee of FEMUSC.

e) In case of doubts or controversies arising from the translations of this regulation into other languages, the original version in Portuguese will be used.


FEMUSC Office – festival@femusc.com.br