Early Music Program

The Early Music Program follows the latest international rhetoric in teaching historically informed Baroque, classical and colonial music. Only period instruments or their replicas are used, tuned to 415 and 430 respectively in baroque and classical/colonial styles. Classes are offered in historic violin, viola and cello, viola da gamba, traverso, as well as historic oboe, clarinet, bassoon, historic trumpet and horn, singing and harpsichord.

FEMUSC enthusiastically accepts the participation of instrumentalists of theorbo, lute, violoncello da spalla, viola d’amore, cornetto, sacabuchas and other instruments of ancient music, even if there are no specific teachers for these instruments. Instrumentalists who come to FEMUSC playing these instruments will be absorbed by the orchestral ensembles, operas and chamber music in the festival’s program, obtaining musical experience through rehearsals, presentations and direct contact with teachers and participants of the Early Music Program.

Period: January 08 to 21, 2023

Activities include chamber music, opera, baroque orchestra, classical orchestra, choir and participation in social concerts and performances in FEMUSC’s main concert series.

Registration: through the website www.femusc.com.br informing:

Enrollment and participation: After analysis of the inscriptions, the list of selected candidates will be published, who must confirm their enrollment and participation.

Enrollment cost: according to regulation
Benefits included: participation in classes, rehearsals and concerts, 3 meals a day, internal transportation between campuses.